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Old 05-22-2008   #1
not gay
XaneAvitar's Avatar

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Posts: 2,142

Goddamnit this is what I've been dealing with...

I wont even explain the problem, I'm sure somebody can read through and figure out what I'm trying to get done easily. I edited a lot of the info out. Look at what I've had to deal with...

SO first things first, I decided to use Live Chat with Tech support.

Rey: Hi and thank you for contacting Globat Signature Support! We have received your question (s) from the pre-chat survey and will answer you momentarily. Thank you for your patience.
Rey: Hi Brian
Brian: hello
Rey: please wait ok?
Brian: alright
Rey: I apologize for the delay. It is taking me longer than expected to obtain the information. Please bear with me for few more minutes. Thank you for your patience.
Brian: alright
Rey: is that website2.net, right?
Brian: correct
Brian: i goto website2.net and it links to a verrry old splash page i did for website1.com
Brian: i cant find it anywhere in my ftp
Brian: im getting charged for the website2.net, and im ready to utilize it, i just have no clue where its forwarding to
Rey: it is not forwarding to somewhere Brian, you can see it on your browser that it is still website2.net when you visit it
Brian: yeah, i type in website2.net i get an old splash page i did for website1.com I did a long time ago, because it USED to forward right to the index of website1.com. One day I asked a rep of yours through email if it was possible to forward to another place, he never replied but since then.. it's been stuck on this old splash page.
Rey: do you have a ticket number for this one?
Brian: it was through an email over a year ago in response to an upgrade package, let me see if it has a ticket number
Rey: ok Brian please do
Brian: #[DELETED] is this possibly the ticket number?
Rey: One moment please, while I check this for you.
Brian: I asked to cancel an upgrade. In this ticket they asked me my domains I told them I had website1.com and website2.net... they couldn't find website2.net registered to me (I guess they later did) and ever since then.. it has stopped forwarding to the website1.com.
Brian: im not sure if they did anything, cause i believe I mentioned wanting website2.net to direct elsewhere.. but we never got that resolved. regardless, if possible I want it pointing to website1.com/extendedURL
Rey: Brian, please contact our billing department regarding this matter. You may go to this link http://globat.com/livechat then please choose BILLING
Rey: the ticket is on their queue
Brian: what do I need to contact them about?
Rey: and they can help you on checking that upgrade you are having on that odmain
Rey: *domain
Rey: we do not have any access for client's upgrades such as domain forwarding
Brian: oh alright how do I contact them?
Brian: nevermind
Rey: One moment please, I will get back to you shortly.
Rey: sorry for that
Rey: please use the link
Brian: i did
Rey: to contact our billing
Brian: is this conversation saved?
Brian: for possibly referring to it with this other rep?
Rey: Yes, this conversation is saved
Rey: you can have the transcript of this chat after your close the chat window
Brian: and 1 last question, is what Im asking possible, If i have a forwarding domain with you, is it possible to forward directly to a page on another domain i own?
Rey: Yes, Brian it is possible
Brian: alright well thankyou for your help Rey, hopefully Billing can help me out.
Rey: you are very welcome Brian, if we only have access we can help you out
Rey: Did you have any other questions, I can assist you with?
Brian: nope thats it for now!
Rey: ok have a great night Brian


Alright, well Rey couldn't help me. So I try going to Billing. Except it logged me out, I couldn't log back in. Had my UN/PW all fucked up. So I sent in a ticket via the website which basically meant I sent them an email... here's where that went. My emails are in blue, while the responses are in green.

Alright, so earlier today I joined a tech support chat with Rey from your tech support. Long story short he couldn\'t assist me in fixing my problem.

He sent me to billing because it says all my problems should be solved by them. Problem 1. Arises after I close the window with him. My UN/PW no longer works to log in.

Here are my problems:
1) UN/PW not working after my chat with Rey.
2) The domain name website2.net is not directed where I would like it to be, in fact I cant figure out where it is directed to.
I want it to be pointed to: www.website1.com/extendedURL, it used to be pointed to www.website1.com. Right now I have no clue where it\'s pointing to.
3) I can\'t figure out how to get ahold of Billing to fix this, I need this done pretty soon. This is my resort since I cant log onto my account and click the Billing help support.

This was the current answer I got for not being logged in:

Jay: We are currently experiencing a server issue where your domain resides and our System Admin are now aware of that and trying to fix this issue. Please bear with us. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for your patience.

Please help!


Their response...

Dear Brian,

Thank you for contacting Globat.com.

I have tried to log in today and I was able to log in to your command console using your username and password for your 2 accounts. Please try logging in again if same error occurs, please contact us.
With regards to your dns servers, please provide us at least 2 of your requested dns servers so that we may have this updated from our partner registrar.

Should you have any further billing questions, please do not hesitate to email us at billingdesk@globat.com


Globat Billing Support



I can indeed log in again today, must have just been a temporary problem yesterday.

With regards to the domain forwarding, you will have to assist me in finding the information you need. I'm not sure what you need/where you need me to look.

I have both website1.com and website2.net registered with you. I consider website1.com the host (http://borabora.globat.com/~website1.com/) and website2.net used to direct right to the front page of website1.com.

At some point that changed (I didn't ask for any upgrades) and now website2.net points to its own domain (http://borabora.globat.com/~website2.net/). I don't know the access information to change this. If theres a separate UN/PW?

Regardless, I'll either need the information to edit website2.net or I need it redirected to
www.website1.com/extendedURL. I find it weird that it's got its own hosting right now cause I'm not (or better not be) paying for duel hosting. Very soon I'll be registering a 3rd and 4th domain name through you and will need them redirected accordingly too.


Dear Brian,

Thank you for contacting Globat.com.

If you want, you may make one of your domain as your main account so that you will not be signing up for another separate account. You may add all your domains as an additional domain to be under one account.
The dns servers I am talking about is were your domain will be pointing. If you wanted your domains to be pointed to us, we have: ns1.dnsjunction.com and ns2.dnsjunction.com as our primary and secondary dns servers.

Should you have any further billing questions, please do not hesitate to email us at billingdesk@globat.com


Globat Billing Support
www.Globat.com Web Hosting Made Easy?


Greetings Levireth,

Pretend for a second, I don't know what you mean, because this is like the third or forth time I've explained I don't know what you mean.

Let me explain this one more time, because it is upsetting me now.

1.) I ordered the domain name website1.com and hosting with you guys. [Website 1] is the "main" account.

2.) A few years later I order website2.net (just the name and the pointer). No hosting with website2.net... it used to point directly to website1.com and that was fine for the time being.

3.) I sent out an email canceling some automatic upgrade, in the email I asked.. is it possible for website2.net to be pointed elsewhere on the "main" account (website1.com) for example when u type in your browser website2.net it redirect you to
www.website1.com/extendedURL that way I can use website1.com index page for something completely different. I never got an answer back.. BUT SINCE THAT DAY website2.net has been directed to somewhere else. Somewhere with a very similar splash page to a previous one i designed for website1.com. I've never been able to figure out how to change the stuff on website2.net

4.) PLEASE TELL ME HOW to changes the things to website2.net, if it's on a different User Name/PW let me know. I shouldn't be paying for an additional account, but if that's what you have me set up on let me know how to change it. I need this done very SOON. If it's a mistake please give me detailed instructions on how I might redirect website2.net to the page: website1.com/extendedURL. You keep mentioning dns servers and are very vague on what I need to do. Please explain.
So again I'm
under the impression website1.com is my main account and that
I purchased website2.net as a pointer. That's at least what I'm paying for.
I need website2.net pointing to website1.com/extendedURL.
I only have 1 UN/PW for website1.com. I do not understand what I need to
do with the DNS servers, where to look, where to begin.


Dear Brian,

Thank you for contacting Globat.com.

I apologize for the confusion. I didn't mean that website2.net was already your additional domain, I am only suggesting if you wanted it to be added as an additional domain. But because of your latest email, I learned that the said domain was your domain pointer. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I have checked from our partner registrar that your domain website1.com as well as your domain pointer website2.net were both registered to us. I have checked also their dns servers and they were both pointing to our default dns servers.
Please be advised also that domain pointer do not have username/password only additional domains and main account.
Again, I am offering you if you wanted your dns servers for your main account or your other domain to have their dns servers updated. Please let us know.

Should you have any further billing questions, please do not hesitate to email us at billingdesk@globat.com


Globat Billing Support


Greetings Levireth,

I'm still pretty confused. If updating the DNS servers doesn't cost any additional money to me, then you have my permission. I do not understand what this will do, though. The domain name www.website2.net is supposed to be pointed to www.website1.com right now and its not. I do not know where it is pointing. And I would LIKE it pointing to www.website1.com/extendedURL.

If you can tell me how to get this done, it would be much appreciated. I've been asking this same question for a week now without a decent reply.

And again, you have my permission to do so if it doesn't cost anything.



Dear Brian,

Thank you for contacting Globat.com.

Please be advised that updating your dns servers has "no charge". All we need from you is your requested dns servers with this type of format: ns1.dnsjunction.com and ns2.dnsjunction.com - like our default dns servers.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Should you have any further billing questions, please do not hesitate to email us at billingdesk@globat.com


Globat Billing Support
www.Globat.com Web Hosting Made Easy?


Now like 3-4 days have elapsed. With minimal response. I'm getting pissed off.

I asked several questions in my last email, and only got 1 of them answered, probably the least relevant one.

How do I provide you with the information needed? How do I provide you with the DNS server info you need to update?

What will updating the DNS servers do? I need this explained to me.

I'm currently in live chat w/ Jaime from Billing as well. Nobody can seem to give me straight answers I am very unhappy with the level of service Globat is producing for me right now.



Here's my chat with Jaime earlier today.

info: You are now chatting with 'Jaime'
Jaime: Hello. How may I assist you?
Brian: Greetings Jaime, I've been having a problem I've been trying to resolve through email for about a week now, to no avail.
Brian: is what I'm referring to.
Brian: Basically what's happening...
Brian: I ordered www.website1.com a few years ago with hosting.
Brian: A year or two after I registered the domain name www.website2.net with you
Brian: it used to point directly to website1.com
Brian: at some point I asked if it was possible to redirect website2.net elsewhere on my main website
Brian: since that day website2.net has been pointed elsewhere (to an old splash I made, almost like they copied what I had on the site at that time and gave it its own hosting)
Brian: so I've been in emails for like a week trying to figure this out. getting no straight answers.
Brian: and all I'm asking is for website2.net to be pointing to website1.com/extendedURL if at all possible.
Jaime: please wait i will check it
Brian: k
Jaime: do you want to be www.website2.net an additional domain of www.website1.com?
Brian: i thought thats what it originally was. whats the difference between that and a pointer domain? (and also i really cant acure any additional charges right now)
Brian: like im confused. website2.net used to always show whatever website1.com has up. it no longer does that. what changed and how do I edit website2.net??
Jaime: please hold on
Brian: I just got another reply from Levireth: Please be advised that updating your dns servers has "no charge". All we need from you is your requested dns servers with this type of format: ns1.dnsjunction.com and ns2.dnsjunction.com - like our default dns servers.
Brian: and ive repeatedly explained that I dont know how to give him the information hes requesting... and I was just curious to what updating the dns servers would do.
Jaime: regarding to your concern
Jaime: please contact our technical support
Brian: no no.
Brian: they sent me here.
Brian: i will not be bouncing back.
Jaime: ok
Brian: this will be the forth or so person I've talked to between both departments. this is unacceptable. why cant I get any questions answered?
Jaime: please wait
Jaime: sorry for waiting
Brian: welcome back
Jaime: regarding to your concern i will forward it to our tier 2 technical support
Jaime: so that they can assist you to solved this issue
Brian: what does that mean? through email?
Jaime: because i check it and its not a billng issue
Jaime: yes
Jaime: sorry for the inconvenience
Brian: will Rey from Tech chat sent me to billing, saying that you guys needed to contact a 2nd party
Brian: thats fine, but this response better be timely. because I needed this done yesterday. and i waited 2 days for a response from billing already.
Jaime: i will set you to a highest priority to solved this issue as soon as possible
Brian: alright then
Brian: I hope not to be in contact with Billing again
Brian: thankyou for your time
Jaime: your welcome
Jaime: im so sorry for that

Back to fuck tech support?!!! I've been trying to get on tech support chat for the past 3 fucking hours but apparently nobody is available. It's flipping me the fuck out!!!
-The Godfather of the Brotherhood.
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