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Old 05-04-2007   #1
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Originally Posted by Jadwoman View Post
Ok look, for all you global warming people, back in the viking days when they landed on greenland it was a lush plainland where they farmed and grew crops, now what is it? a frozen block of ice almost. Yes the earth is warming, but nothing huge will happen until the tempurature rises almost 10 degress, its raised .7 degress.
You completely fail. Greenland and iceland were inhabited by Inuits for hundreds of years but were "found" by Europeans in the late 900s by Norwegians led by Erik the Red. They were smart. Remember at this period vikings and quiet a few other barbarian tribes were doing their normal raiding/pilliaging. Erik the Red found TWO islands, one nearly all ice, the other a near paradise of greenery. Obviously greenland is closer to Europe and thus the first that vikings would visit, so the Norwegians got smart and named the ice covered territories which were far less populated than the more lush environment ICEland so when vikings came THERE and saw this "green"land was nearly all ice, they'd be like WTF!? and never venture further to "ice"land. It worked. Vikings never did a fullscale invasion of either island although small scouting parties did land all the way to maine later on.

Second the last iceage (darkages europe late 1200s to 1600s) was caused by a 4.7 degree shift in temperature. At 10 degrees higher than normal canada will be the new prime grain growth climate and mexico and much of the middle east will average nearly 140 degrees per day. Oh, and the worlds water levels will be somewhere around 50 ft to 300 ft higher due to the complete lack of stable ice on this planet.
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