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Old 05-29-2008   #1
May be Emo.
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Im going to change things up a bit here. You'll notice that my first post was actually a semi-apology, because in all seriousness, Billy and I haven't talked for a long while..and it sucks. I'm not some internet badass, AS A MATTER OF FACT here is the initial reasoning/apology that I posted on the officer forums, that many of you havent seen. THIS IS FROM MARCH. Tell me I didnt put effort into fixing things then.

Wall of text incoming. It will be a good, drama free (yeah right) read though.
I'm going to discuss this in chronological order, it's probably the best way.

Billy (and others),

For as long as I can remember Billy, we've been on great terms. Joking around, doing arenas, txt messages, vent convo's about your distant relationships, etc. There's no doubt that you're an opinionated person, just like myself. In o chat, you're constantly bashing Mao, Nighthawk, and others..you also talk about people sucking...and whether or not you're joking, you ask for people to get kicked so you can get in raids. <-- Nothing wrong with any of that. That's what O chat is for: to evaluate how progress is going, who's not doing their part, and for occasional bickering. If there was no conflict ever: small arguments, personality conficts, complaints, etc., the raid experience would be bland.

The above ^ applies to this situation, because I will not have you portray me as someone who is super argumentative, while you act completely neutral, helpless, and victimized. That being said, let me separate this into parts.

I have a lot of pride in my pvp ability, and about a month or two ago, I was seeking a 2v2 partner. I did 2's with TJ, Adam, and You. Me and Adam managed to have a great time, despite our lack of games each week. If you remember, I asked you several times week in & week out if you would consider doing 2v2 with me. However, you were doing two's with Orzlife, and you guys were kicking ass. This isn't because I wasn't happy with me & Adam's team, I just wanted to play more games. And what did I do? Bitch like a little girl? Of course I did for a short while, but I fucking cheered you guys on...always asking what your rating was, and I was on vent when you guys hit 1850 and was the first person to grats you on your mace.

Then one week, the week before he was invited to the guild, you suggested doing 2v2. I had the time, I flew out, and bought a 2v2 team while you were taking a shit (lol). We did 10-15 games, and when Tuesday rolled around, to my surprise, I see that you did somewhere like 30-40 games with Orzlife and completely bumped me off the 30%. I was mildly pissed, and you defended yourself saying that I wasn't online or something.

That week we're doing Archimonde progress, everyone is frustrated, and I see he gets invited to the guild. I threw a hissy fit and started /ginviting random level 5's to prove a point, and I was wrong. I knew he was your friend, and like Brian said recently, anyone who has problems with officer's friends --> door.

But in my defense, to add fuel to the fire, there you were..talking to him (or sending tells) explaining that I hated him? THE FIRST TELL I GET FROM HIM, not 2 minutes after he joins: [Orzlife]whispers: Man you must really hate me bro. I had not even spoken one word to this kid, and that's what I get. Playing off of my frustration, nice. AGAIN, what did I do? Put him on ignore? Tell him to fuck himself? I invited him to join hunter chat, and joked around with him in tells for AN ENTIRE HOUR while wiping on archimonde. I don't hate him at all, I seriously don't care. Recently, I invited him and his brother a few times to heroics...and I've been completely ignored most of the time. He replied once saying that he needed to do arenas, because it was his only source of gold...and his brother responded another time saying that they had 5v5 at 5:00.

You /gquit, I didn't know why. I joined Benny's vent channel, and he didn't know either. Someone in o-chat mentioned something about you joining Skill Overload. Trying to figure out what was up, and assuming you weren't joking around, I sent tells: To [Cennar]: Whats goin on? Cennar has gone offline. To [Grandol]: Hey are you serious? Grandol has quit the guild. To [Oudidntknow]: Billy wtf is going on? Oudidntknow was quit the guild. I was on vent with Stevin, and I said "It would be funny to kick all of his arena partners!" We laughed and he urged me to, so obviously a dick move on my part, I kicked Orzlife and Otlife..after saying that arena partners are to be kicked as a rule from now on. Magic said "Hey he's on my arena team too," so I kicked him as well (he obviously got the joke and took the reinvite). I was on Omelet, and the first tell I get: [Orzlife]whispers: If this is Evokoth, you're a pathetic piece of shit. Expecting to get "lol, reinvite me" or something.. especially considering there had been ZERO ANIMOSITY and basically NO CONVERSATION between the two of us since he's been in guild...I was taken back. I tried ginviting him later, and I was on ignore and he was back in his old guild. So I get a hold of you the next day, and I get [Cennar]whispers: Yo you're fucked. I remember asking you if you were going to rejoin, and why you were mad...and you responded saying that I needed to "at least respect my friends." It was not until afterwards that I called you a "flaky piece of shit," partially due to the fact that you haven't raided steadily before your gquit and you supposedly gquitted over a PvE issue. I was also upset, because I was your friend, and I received hostility instead of an explanation.

My Faults:
First of all, I have some apologies to make. I was completely wrong for gkicking Orzlife and his brother. They were both your friends, and I intended for it to be a joke. I also assumed that they had nothing to do with your gquit, and even though it was a joke, most people in the guild probably associated them with your unhappiness. Amidst the confusion in guild of an Inner Council member gquitting, the timing was bad...so for that, I apologize.

My random /ginvites during a progression raid were also an example of officer immaturity and self-control, and certainly did not prove anything.

Also, in the events after you leaving the guild, I took everything too seriously. Even though I figured you'd be back and that you weren't seriously going to SO, I acted like a bitch. Two wrongs dont make a right. (I know three lefts do, before you quote me).

Since then, I have made several attempts to reconcile our situation. Every time I join a vent channel, you move, or move me out of the channel. You ignore my tells. And when I explain to others, for example Brian (who asked me several times to talk with you), I am told that you are angry because I gkicked Orzlife. I was also explained, and I quote, that you were mad because "you called him a piece of shit for no reason." Clearly, this is not the case.

Currently, you've resorted to placing pity on yourself, threatening to leave the guild because "Evo just keeps starting shit," or if "Evo wants me to leave, I'll leave." As for Orzlife, I'll let you and the other officers decide whether or not he deserves any respect from me. It's obvious that he wants nothing to do with the hunter or guild community, and that's fine. However, I'm not going to be lectured on giving respect to your friends, especially when the person in question has made no attempts at friendship, let alone anything. On that note, it's obvious you're still upset about it, making it a point to post on Galabane's thread (something you know nothign about) on the hunter forums...in yet another attempt to make it look like I want everyone removed from the guild.

I'm trying to get this resolved. I don't have any problems with Orzlife in the guild, and I certainly don't have any problems with you being here. Let's make things what they used to be. -- Adam
04:17 PM] Vero: i forgot the whole in the butt thing nothing turns guys on in jail more then software pirates

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