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Old 03-25-2007   #1
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Older changes to The Brotherhood website.

28MAR07: Member calendar: All members ranking Alumni or higher now can post any event they wish on the Member Calendar, and allow other members to signup for it. See the post above to see how to do it and how to access this calendar.

28MAR07: "Files" added to the top bar. It links to the Member File Hosting section of our website. Before, you had to go from "My Profile" to get there.

28MAR07: "Roster by Name" has been removed from the top bar and inserted inside "Guild Roster".

24MAR07: Only ranks Inner Council and Administrator can now post or reply to the Recruiting Forums. It was a mistake that allowed the rank Friend of the Guild to post in that forum.

22MAR07: Field "What is your current level" was added to the application form. In Praetorians we had a recruiting note saying you have to be lvl 60 in order to apply, so that wasn't necessary.

30MAR07: Under "Character Info" of everyone's posts, you'll notice that the character name is now a link. Clicking that link will redirect you to Blizzard's The Armory profile for that character. Please be pacient when clicking this link as The Armory is used by the entire US. Our Guild Roster on the top bar also has a link to our guild roster within Blizzard's The Armory. Again, be pacient with it.

17MAR07: All members ranking Alumni or higher can now delete their own posts, delete their own threads, and close/reopen their own threads.

17MAR07: Field What can you make on everyone's profile has been renamed to Personal note.

16MAR07: Bank and Crafters Forum has been made a sub forum of The Brotherhood Forums, and several threads have been redirected there.

16MAR07: New forum created to allow guildmembers to use our mod to post their bank and professions. It's the "Banks and crafters" forums available from the main forum list.

11MAR07: News Archive forum created. If you created a news post about a dated event and it's now long past, please move it to this forum.

11MAR07: Member Banks forum created. Use it to parse your personal banks if you wish to make them known to the guild.

9MAR07: Guild Bank thread added as a temporary solution for members running guild banks to post their stored goods. Members running personal banks are welcome to download the mod and parse their contents as long as it's available to the guild. Please be patient with that thread after a bank is parsed or updated as the program consults Allakazham to re-cache updated items. Allakazham is oftem very busy and it may take about 1-2 seconds to reply the program with the contents of every item parsed. Once an item is sent to us, however, our site will save it on its own database to relieve Allakazham in the future.

4MAR07: Application form updated based on BC content. Some questions regarding old content were removed.

24FEB07: Pruning no longer affect guildmember ranks. Non-guildies, "Friend of the Guild", and registered visitors however will be permanently erased in 30 days of no activity. Posts by erased users will still be in place. Friends of the Guild will not lose the contents of their file hosting directory shortly after being pruned. Those files will stay indefinitelly until manually erased by the administrator. If reactivating their account using same login name, they will again have full access to their same directory as before, once they get promoted back to a guildmember rank of Alumni or higher.

10FEB07: The calendar was reprogrammed to display the icons for the new raid instances. Officers with calendar admin access will also see the buttons to automatically create raids for the new instances using the standard settings. Non-raid events besides holidays and birthdays also have an icon to make them stand out better. Finally, on the bottom of the forum, you'll see a clear layout of all events in the upcomming 7 days. A few events were created as a demonstration. Feel free to signup for them, but they will not take place.

10FEB07: There was a mistype on "The Brotherhood Website" thread, where it said that "ALT+B and ALT+I" were the keys for Bold and Italic. Instead, those keys are "CONTROL+B and CONTROL+I". The text is now corrected.

7FEB07: The Brotherhood members file hosting: All guildmembers ranking Alumni or higher now have a personal file hosting directory where your personal files can be uploaded. They'll be made available under www.thebhood.com/members/YourName. This is a personal folder where you can post your screenshots, videos, and other files as long as they're not copyrighted. The rank "Friend of the Guild" also have their personal directory. To access this, click My Profile on the top bar, and on the very bottom of the left menu under Miscellaneous, click File Hosting. More instructions are located in the bottom of the File Hosting screen.

3FEB07: DKP added to the website. It is the latest version of EQDKP modified to integrate into our website. There is no need for anyone to register on the DKP page. Only admins should register.

1FEB07: Signature, avatar and profile picture size increased to 256Kb for all ranks.

25JAN07: Googlebot IP range is now banned from our webserver. This means that, unless someone that uses the Google Toolbar access our site, it won't be up to date on Google. The bot alone was making more accesses than all of us combined.

20JAN07: A program was written to help maintain a good appearance on our forums. It will perform the following: (1) Capitalize the 1st letter of all new thread titles, (2) convert multiple "????" and "!!!!" to single "?" and "!", (3) convert long arrays of "........." to "...", and other similar tasks. It will only affect the thread titles and never the messages.

17JAN07: A new set of fields were added to "Roster by Name" that allows anyone to search our roster by race, class, or by the "alts" field. This will help us to have a better view at what we have in the guild.

17JAN07: To help visualise the search results of "Roster by Name", a new column was added that shows the title of the users shown. In addition to that, a sort feature was added to the column header that will sort in alphabetical order all users by title. The user title was then removed from under the usernames of the search results of "Roster by Name". Finally, user titles are no longer customizable. All titles will be reverted to reflect the actual guild ranks.

17JAN07: Postcount was removed from "Roster by Name". The user's last connection date was put in place of it. The goal is that there should be no postcount competition of any kind in this website, and that feature gave anyone the ability to "Sort by postcount" and see who was on top. If you want to know how many postcounts one user has, check his public profile. It says it in there.

12JAN07: A new field has been added to everyone's profile, to allow listing your alts. Edit your profiles if you wish to list them. They will be visible under the Guild Roster (see next change bellow).

12JAN07: Guild Roster now shows the member's Warcraft character information, and it's alts if any was entered in the profile. Same for "Roster by Name".

9JAN07: We are Shaman-ready. Get your Shamans to 70 and they can signup for raids and troll in their own class forum.

9JAN07: Pruning: All registered website members (even officers) are erased after 30 days of inactivity. Inactivity counts the time from your last access. Posts by pruned members are not erased. This will help keep our Guild Roster always clean.

8JAN07: WYSIWYG: You will see the final result of your post while you edit it, instead of those BB codes for centralization, color and such. If you want the old BB code system back, go to "My Profile" on the top bar, and under your "Options" you can choose which system you want to use.

8JAN07: Post Count & Join Date removed. (Hear that Spaz?)
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