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Old 05-02-2007   #8
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The planet goes through changes. Yes, we need to stop polluting, but we aren't straight up "melting" the ice caps. And Syvius is right, entire ecosystems can be destroyed with a change of temperature - but guess what, that too is nothing new. Historically speaking, compare the average temperatures for let's say July 2006 to 1996, 1986, 1976, 1966, and 1956. You will find that it's not that big of a deal. If the planet gets warmer or cooler there's not much we can do about it.

In the 1300's there was a "mini-ice age." That wasn't caused by man, but it did help contribute to the loss of up to 50% of Europe's population. Things happen in the natural world, and if they are out of mankind's control then they are out of mankind's control. No president is going to stop a huricane. No president is going to stop the tectonic plates from shifting. Can we work on "greener" energy sources, YES! Will this "save the world," probably not.

If people are so willing to accept Darwinism, then why do they care if entire ecosystems or species are dying to "global warming." Those bitches should adapt and build air conditioners like us.
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