Thread: Beggars
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Old 08-28-2007   #1
Descartes's Avatar

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Descartes (talents)
Night Elf Druid
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I ran countless instances with people simply because they were awe inspired by my presence and wanted my help. I usually did it as a recruitment type tool. Unfortunately, most of these recruitments eventually went south, ala Xenogear who was recruited in Red Ridge. However, I was always compensated in some form, be it all the loot they didn't need, the cloth to level bandages/tailoring or so on. My favorite instance of this happening was when I was in Red Ridge responding to global defense, and scattering a group of 4 level 50ish horde with the help of the local militia and some lowbies biting their ankles. 4 level 20s collectively asked me to do about 15 quests for them. It only took a few minutes. I'd never do ZF or Uldeman thought, fuck that.

I guess I have a soft spot in my heart for noobs, especially noob druids, as I was hopelessly lost with how to play my class until about level 48.

Retired Guild Heartthrob

Like a third kidney, my body rejects the liberal guilt I'm supposed to feel for my clients.
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