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Old 07-02-2007   #1

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This is James. Don't pull that shit. You have told both Chris and me that you didn't want the account anymore, and that Robert could have it. You said you weren't coming back to WoW. And all this "effort" that you put into Auronamij doesn't mean jack since tbc came out. You leveled to 70 and than stopped playing your pally. All the stuff you gathered at 60 doesn't matter. Robert was the one who leveled up your rep bars. He's the one who got your gladiator gear, and all your other level 70 gear. He's the one who leveled up your alchemy. And also you haven't heard shit from us? I haven't called b/c I don't call anybody. Robert doesn't get a hold of you b/c you two aren't friends so much as acquaintances. And I sure as hell know Chris has tried to get a hold of you often for lunch and to catch up, but you don't answer the phone or return calls. In summary, this was a shitty thing to do. You just decided to grab the account back just because you could and to hell with everybody else. Grats on being a dick.
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