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Old 05-02-2007   #3
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The key to the whole Global Warming debate is the amount of carbon dioxide (co2) levels in the atmosphere. The amount can ACCURATELY be found in ice cores going back over 600,000 years. There has NEVER been a time when it has been this bad EVER. Sadly its going to take a new president (ours makes TONS off big oil), and the complete loss of both icecaps (and all current shorelines ie. around 5% of the earths total landmass) before EVERYBODY freaks and tries to stop it. After its too late. The only people still fighting against the Global Warming concept are those that work, own, or make a profit from using GW emitting gases, and the people who blindly follow their paid scientists.

Remember it wasn't that long ago that the catholic church imprisoned a certain person for heresy because he said the earth wasn't the center of the universe.
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