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Old 05-01-2007   #2
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That kid's arguments are full of holes as well... he's 19, what reasearch has he done? what degree does he have that he can shoot down the argument of professionals with PhDs.

His point about the weather 5 days from now is completly irrelevant. Scientists are measuring general trends of data and temperatures. There is a variation in weather patterns that cannot be predicted. But if you take average temperatures over decades and centuries you start to notice a trend. That trend is that our atmosphere is warming. Even the small .6 of a degree (or whatever the decimal was) is a startling change. That small change can throw off entire ecosystems and endager wildlife.

The argument that he gives is better than most I've seen. He does do a bit of research. And he does try to adress more than one point. But overall I don't see how a 19 year-old can effectivley kill the argument of hundreds of qualifies scientists (even if they all have a secret political agenda).
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