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Old 06-13-2013   #1
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Well, there is a vBulletin 3.8.8 Alpha 1 release made to upgrade vBulletin 3.x forums to be compatible with PHP5. But to use it, you need an active vBulletin license, which means I need to pay $199 dollars to upgrade this license to the latest vBulletin 5 Connect just to get it. I wrote to vBulletin support asking for another option, but this is what I got back:

Hello Eduardo,

Thank you for contacting vBulletin Solutions. In order to obtain 3.8.8, you would need to upgrade by purchasing vBulletin 5 Connect. Once you purchase that, you will be give the option to download 3.8.8. Please let me know if you require any further assistance.

Best regards,
vBulletin Solutions

Also, reading around the vBulletin forum I heard that you can do some simple Find/Replaces with Notepad and replace things like "= new" to "&= new" on the PHP files and it'll be compatible with php5. But I never found anyone posting a tutorial on how to do that. The most I found was someone getting really mad and raging on the vBulletin forums because he asked that and someone answered him with 2 links about the changes between php4 and php5. Then the thread became 2 pages of yelling and pointing fingers and nobody really explained what needs to be done.

Jawm, if you know what to do on the Find/Replace (if that will work), please let me know. Because I'm not really a network admin. I'm an electrical engineer, and it's been a while since I touched PHP.

If not, guys, please take whatever you'd like to keep, and we'll keep in touch on Facebook!
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