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Old 11-22-2009   #1
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Sorry if this post upset anyone, it was just so that people wouldn't be shocked and get upset if they don't get a raid invite. To kill bosses in ToGC25, you need every single person in the raid to be competent and able to put out a certain amount of healing or dmg. If everyone is not capable of that, the bosses will not die.

There will still be plenty of raid spots for the non-hardmode runs, and the gear from those runs is more than enough to perform up to the required standards of hardmode. So, any raider will have the materials required to come to the hardmode runs, they just need to pay attention, bring consumables, and perform up to what they should be capable of with their gear.

We have people in our raids with similar gear levels that are thousands of dps away from each other. If you are the low person... you are doing something wrong. So do some research and figure out what that is so you can come to the hardmodes if you want to come to them. If you can't do that, don't expect a raid spot in hardmode - because we can't down hardmodes if people don't know how to play their class.
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