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Old 05-30-2008   #2

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Evokoth, that name strikes a bell. Yeah, do you remember ME, Evo? Before I let you get too off on your high horse about being best buds with TJ and having every right to make jests at his relationship with some chick, can I bring up a little something?

Aren't you that guy who repeatedly banned me from vent because I...screwed around on Stickam with TJ? You know, the one who, even when I came on and asked to talk to you about it banned me repeatedly with nice comments like PENIS and stuff? I laughed at the time, and I'm still laughing now, but is that really the good friend of TJ? Mind you, this was pre Holly, so I'd think you'd be even nicer to TJ then before you went off on your jealousy rants.

Oh, and when I asked TJ about why you were banning me and if you even knew why you were, this is the reply I got-

So hey dude, keep it up - keep posting in this shit bin if defending yourself for some 6 year old cartoon you made about a guy you seem to think you were good friends with.
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