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Lucianin 10-15-2007 03:35 AM

Ow my brain

So Brian is convinced it only goes clockwise. However my brain can't seem to make up it's mind and it keeps going back and forth between the two haha, but primarily clockwise.

Ahhhh!!! :eek:

Bobthegirl 10-15-2007 03:59 AM

right brain ftw

Dardenard 10-15-2007 12:14 PM

That thing is weird. I know I'm mainly left-brain oriented, but that damned dancer only goes clock-wise for me.

Morin 10-15-2007 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Dardenard (Post 9547)
That thing is weird. I know I'm mainly left-brain oriented, but that damned dancer only goes clock-wise for me.


Tirrex 10-15-2007 12:45 PM

Look at it, then go chat on MSN or something and then look at it again, it will eventually go CCW.

Jonclani 10-15-2007 03:37 PM

Yeah, I started out seeing it go clockwise, then it definitely switched. It seems to change when i focus on the reflection of the foot, but I have yet to analyze completely.

Archangela 10-15-2007 05:48 PM

wow this hurts. i only see her goin clockwise. maybe i need to look harder.

ItsV1be 10-16-2007 03:58 PM

Its made to look like it does both ways, Just depends on how you want it to spin really, i saw clockwise first, but after clearing my mind a second and imagining it go counter clockwise it looked like it was

Magicmoose 10-16-2007 06:39 PM

definitely and always ccw.

Evo 10-16-2007 09:06 PM

I saw CCW first. I got my brain to switch, though

khisihn 10-16-2007 10:41 PM

If you take enough time and look at it you can make it go either way. Stare at the foot and it's easiest. After a while I could make her go back and forth both ways it seemed like.

Ferrety 10-17-2007 12:23 AM

clockwise first, then i was reading the description and was trying to force myself to see all the details to change it to counter-clockwise...

and as clani stated, when i looked at the reflection below, it...switched...

and now i can only see it ccw?

XaneAvitar 10-17-2007 01:48 AM

you guys are fucking insane

Coronalight 10-17-2007 02:31 AM

same thing happened to me... it freaking switched on me. My roomate and I disagreed on which way it was spinning.

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