The Brotherhood

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XaneAvitar 01-28-2008 12:05 AM

Skill overload recruiting yo
Ladies and gentlemen, I've always considered us a land of opportunity, and I wouldn't consider myself a good leader if I didn't notify you of all opportunities. I'm sure most of you have received tells over the past couple of days (probably several from Killars himself), but Skill Overload is looking for a new core of healing raiders. Since most of you are attuned... I thought I would cut out all the hooplah, and just have it come straight from the horses mouth.

Why raid and progress? When you can place yourself in an awkward situation of uncertainty? So if you didn't know how good and close they were... i'll give you their official recruitment blurb at the end here.

So what are you healers waiting for? Aren't you ready to go "Do work?" I know I am.

Skill Overload...
has always maintained the mentality of quality over quantity and we hope that we can add a couple players to our already tightly knit group of raiders. Currently, we raid with no more than 30 players, we are truly a very close group. We are extremely comfortable playing with each other, and without hesitation, we are willing to put our fate in each other's hands. We excel at anything that requires coordination between members, rogue kicks on Reliquary, phase two Illidan tanking, you throw something difficult at us, we'll conquer it way ahead of the norm.

What we're looking for as a recruit-
We're looking for players who can fulfill the standard of perfection that I impose on all our members. We're looking for Holy Preists, Holy Pallys, and Resto Druids who feel they can maintain a level of play that lies above the rest. You must have good situational awareness as well as be ready to tackle any task that may come in front of you. We are a motivated group of individuals, and we expect you to maintain that same motivation through good times and bad.

We are currently, as stated above, just farming BT/Hyjal till Sunwell comes out, and we are most definitely going to be fully prepared to try and get some top ranked kills when that opportunity arrives. Right now you are under almost no pressure to impress us, but you sure as hell should be trying to regardless. We are not elitists and we do not expect perfection all the time, but at the same time we do not accept repetitive mistakes.

About us-
The guild isn't all business as much of the above may lead you to believe. Being a small guild, we have a large amount comradery between the members. We have a good %%#%ing time during raids and I hope this post doesn't lead you to think that we are a big emotionless raiding machine. We rip on each other, have our inside jokes, and bull@%## just like every guild you've ever been in. We focus 100% when we have a goal, but I guarantee you'll enjoy and definitely have fun in our raiding environment.

Gear is not an extreme concern to us, Vashj vial is our main concern, so if you have that and think you can prove something, drop us an application. You will be geared up if you deserve it, but please don't take this as a reason to app. If you can't handle the encounters you won't be getting anything but a bill for your server transfer.

As for our raid schedule, we currently raid Sunday-Thursday from 7:00-12:00PM Eastern. We most likely will cut down raids to just Tuesday and Wednesday, the raiding schedule is for the most part very short. We may require extra raids every once in a while but, new content, attunements, and other things obviously will change the schedule.

- Vashj/Kael vial is a requirement, no exceptions.
- Full BT/Hyjal attunement is favored, but not required.
- Experience in SSC / TK and gear to support this experience.
- Ventrilo and Microphone.
- Available from Sun-Thurs (7-12PM) Eastern

Contact Information-
In-Game: Shattered Hand (US) - Drakul, Killars, Killaheals, Telcontarx
On Forums : Drakul, Killa, Telcontarx

If you think you can impress us, take a look at the requirements and contact information below. This is not for a sit-out or bench raid position, you will be a full-time raider.

Morin 01-28-2008 07:42 AM


Descartes 01-28-2008 08:37 AM

Although I too have engaged in such dastardly recruitment practices as to attempt to ninja talent, the fact that they are personally attempting to recruit our healers (even bennyshocka) should be taken as a great compliment to us.

If anyone is seriously considering leaving for this, please talk to me first about it. I can share with you my experiences under Killars, Telcon and Drakul, and give you an insiders look. I was with them all pre BC during the great ruse and did have a hard time leaving because it is fun to be that bleeding edge. However, I have never regretted the day I left and know I am part of the best guild on the server. We don't win because were the best, or the most driven by loot, but we win because we like each other beyond the fact that we need each other to serve our own benefits. Except TJ, he can drop dead.

TM 01-28-2008 09:37 AM

I'm so reinstalling now.

Caliene 01-28-2008 10:05 AM

I told him that people wouldn't leave the Bhood. He isn't trying to steal anyone, he's just telling people that there are spots and potentials, somewhat like active advertising. Anyone has any questions, you can ask me about it.

Also, Killars stated 30 or more players or so, I'd say it's really more around 25-27 on th dot. It's different feel. If a few people don't show up, we don't raid. We don't really have casuals like Bhood does to fill things in. People are really close in the guild as well. I got sucked in almost immediately, and I have been happy with everything other than the not raiding due to afk healers.

Descartes 01-28-2008 10:27 AM

So what you are saying is that you left an active raiding guild to not raid on the character you don't want to raid on. That you wanted to raid on your rogue so bad that it drove you to hate playing your warlock so much that you decided to join a hardcore guild on the very character you hate playing and were forced to play by us. And that lastly, they are so fun that you got sucked in right away by logging on all your alts in the bhood, by being on our forums during the day and by going afk in ironforge/shatt with your shiny "skill overload" tag?

Vero 01-28-2008 10:35 AM

anyone else notice the lawyer in devlin?

Caliene 01-28-2008 10:40 AM


lol Devlin, your reasoning is as always, flawed since you leave out everything, that does not support your claims. I also, log on to my alts so that I can talk to people in guild still, however, if that bothers you, that can easily be fixed. Oh and as for being on the forums during the day, I don't know of many guild websites that have active "real-time' chat.

Morin 01-28-2008 10:40 AM

Lol @ Cal

Jhereg 01-28-2008 11:05 AM

I feel awkward in awkward situations of uncertainty. And I didn't receive any tells!? What the hell, my alt is 1/2 a healer, sometimes. Hai to Cal

Almma 01-28-2008 11:09 AM

I believe I speak for most of the Brotherhood when I say:

Fuck Killars and Fuck Skill Overload.

Jonclani 01-28-2008 11:10 AM

Dont worry Jhereg, I didnt get any tells either. And my alt is full healer AND I did a stint in SO. I feel so....violated.

Wait, screw those guys and their raid attendance nazi ways.

Evo 01-28-2008 06:51 PM

What's this attendance you speak of?! /flee

Ferrety 01-29-2008 02:32 PM

my enhancement spec/gear hides my resto side from prying eyes mighty well...

i think of it as a jeckle and hyde situation.

but, in responce to other portions of this post... a wolf in sheeps clothing still preys on the flock.

Bobthegirl 01-29-2008 04:10 PM

lol @ Devlin

Tirrex 01-29-2008 05:08 PM

lol @ the Drama Llama

Deviator 01-29-2008 07:07 PM

If i was keyed I would've totally jumped ship.

Thesuperman 01-29-2008 09:05 PM

Wait... Cal left the guild? 0.o dang I need to play more.

Melissamao 01-30-2008 02:55 AM

wait what does their health and benifit package look like? =p

Crazyaussie 01-30-2008 06:08 PM

who cares about cal leaving its his choice, the same choice you decided to make adam back in the day.

Friends should still be friends reguardless of guilds... then again... you think someone is your friend... talks to you everyday... then you leave the game... and they don't even call you... so... i guess you never really know.

Vero 01-31-2008 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by Crazyaussie (Post 13887)
who cares about cal leaving its his choice, the same choice you decided to make adam back in the day.

Friends should still be friends reguardless of guilds... then again... you think someone is your friend... talks to you everyday... then you leave the game... and they don't even call you... so... i guess you never really know.

if thats directed at me you know i love you big boy :) get msn!..and we only don't talk often cause your hours of workage suck :P

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