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ludawg305 05-06-2009 06:01 PM

F My card issues
'm not sure whether its the video card or the monitor but when I start
Windows XP, I can see everything until when the Windows loading screen
is done, after that it goes black then says "No Signal" then turns on
it's little orange light. I can go into Safe Mode and into VGA mode.
I've also updated my drivers and I was using the PC just fine last
night, I just had to unplug the monitor cause I moved the PC. People
say its a cable issue but obviously it's not if I'm using the PC now
(under VGA mode). Please I have no idea what else to do. I've even
removed my video card, dusted my ram, and updated the drivers. Also
when I try to change a setting in VGA mode, the monitor goes black
too.. please help :(

ludawg305 05-06-2009 06:04 PM

also this means no raiding for Wednesday or later in the week till further notice.

adeladora 05-06-2009 07:03 PM

it doesnt sound like a video card issue... and i would know im the king of video card issues... sounds like ur monitor might be goin on you.... cause normally when a video card is goin it will still start but give u the blue screen of death and restart your computer...

ludawg305 05-06-2009 10:54 PM

but right now i can see everything in VGA mode :( and in safe mode :(

what do you think i should do? get a new screen? lol

Elandrafrost 05-06-2009 11:12 PM

I would agree with the monitor issue. The same thing happened to me a few months back, black screen, no signal. I hooked my monitor up to my fathers PC and same thing, no signal, I then hooked his monitor up to my PC and it worked confirming that mine was fucked.

ludawg305 05-06-2009 11:19 PM

idk it's weird, im gonna have to get another screen to test. its odd how the screen goes to no signal after the Windows splash screen (loading part)..i guess i need to get voo's screen to test >_<

for the record, voo has no power at his's funny a day after we get promoted, we get screwed lol

adeladora 05-07-2009 04:45 PM

yea dont sweat it.... just test it out and hopefully it will confirm what we think it is.

Jonclani 05-08-2009 08:02 AM

I'm leaning more towards it being a Windows problem, it gets to the point where its loading all the windows components, and drops.

It could be a monitor issue where the higher resolutions are crapping it out, but....I doubt it. You could try a last known good configuration, or if you have system restore enabled, try to roll back to your last point. Otherwise, youre down to either repairing (a pain if you dont know what got corrupted) or reinstalling (a pain setting shit back up, but will work).

But to test, yeah, try another monitor or something first, then if you have 2 sticks of RAM, try booting up with just one, or just the other, in case its a memory issue. Then on to the fallback windows options.

One other thing, I have seen (once) where certain USB hubs being plugged in at boot can cause this, so if you just picked up a new USB hub, that may be something too.

ludawg305 05-09-2009 10:25 AM

i got it to work now, there's another issue (fml). Now everything is like way to big and i'm overscanned completely. i basically have to scroll everywhere. its weird cause even 1024x800 is way too big...on a 20in monitor (i always had it at 1680x1050)

Nihmm 05-09-2009 12:21 PM

go into windows (control panel) and check your font sizes and resolution

ludawg305 05-09-2009 07:42 PM

meh been there done all that..i've done everything this sucks ><

06:35 PM GMT -5

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