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Stevin05 11-29-2009 11:32 PM

25 Heroic Faction Champs
Wall of text incoming!

To avoid our usual arguing over faction champions strategy, here's an explanation of how and why we do it the way we do.

If you don't care about the why, and just want to know what you should be doing, theres a class by class explanation at the bottom. The "explanations" are fight specific things that should be common sense, but in case they aren't I'm writing them out for you. I haven't played half the classes I try to explain, so if I've forgotten anything important, please post so I can add it.

Kill order and explanation:

The goal is to keep the raid alive - as long as everyone is up, we can down the encounter. To keep with this goal, we kill the melee first because they can very easily 1-2 shot most people in the raid. The specific order is determined by how easy they are to kill as described below. After the melee die, we usually just call targets based one what happens to be close our pack of melee or whatever is annoying the healers.

1. Enhance Shaman - Very squishy, totems are annoying, high dmg with the melee zerg

2. DK - Yanks people into melee where they instantly die, easy to DPS because he can't teleport/charge and only has one pretty weak defensive CD

3. Warrior - charge makes him harder to DPS, usually save for 2nd or 3rd to allow him to get his bladestorm out of the way before sending melee in

4. Rogue - Very dangerous, but also hard to kill, so he usually dies after the easier to kill melee

5. Ret paladin - Adds to the one shotting melee zerg, but a slow bubble removal can screw you if you try to kill him earlier

6. Hunter - also very dangerous, but easier to CC and slightly harder to kill than the rogue/ret pally

From here on... it doesn't really matter, we've won if everyone is alive.

Usual order:
7. Warlock/Boomkin
8. Mage
9. Healers
10. Shadow Priest

Crowd Control Explanation and Priority

We don't assign specific targets because it doesn't help that much... if you assign 1-2 people to CC a mob, then they have to constantly find and follow that mob to be in range, and if their CC gets dispelled or trinketed, the mob is free for 15 seconds of DR. So, assigned targets will greatly hurt the CCers DPS and not control the mob very well.

Instead, we expect every single person in the raid with a CC button to use their CC. If you see a mob that isn't CCed, and you have a CC that isn't on cooldown, throw it on the mob. If the mob is immune due to DR, it doesn't really matter, because someone else should have also seen the same unCCed mob and thrown their CC on it too. We have about 20 people with CC and only need to CC at most 6 mobs. We have plenty of CC to not worry about accidentally overlapping it.

Know that your CC will be broken by a cleanse, an AoE, a trinket, or random luck at least half the time, it is still important that you continue CCing.

CC Priority:

1. Hunter - he stays out of the melee zerg, so he can easily be CCed by breakable CCs, he is also the most dangerous dmg dealer we face, so he needs to be CCed as much as possible.

2. Rogue - he is very hard to CC because of cloak/ShadowStep, so he needs every CC possible thrown at him whenever, disarm is an effective CC

3. Warrior - hard to CC because he will usually have DoTs from being in melee range, roots, disarm, and hex are very good for him

4. Ret pally - DoTs from being in melee, will usually cleanse/freedom roots, hex and disarm are very good, also dispel his wings if you can

5. DK - usually the first to die, but if he isn't, snares/roots/disarm are very good

The rest of the mobs should just be CCed whenever the above are CCed and you have a CC available to throw on them.

Class Specific Jobs:

Death Knights:
-Don't spread diseases unless we tell you it is ok to do so
-Chains any melee mob you see chasing someone
-Yank the rogue/warrior off squishier people after shadowstep/charge
-Drive by interrupt as much as possible on healers or DPS

-Roots priority: Rogue -> Warrior -> DK, DON'T roots the hunter
-Cyclone priority: Hunter -> Rogue -> Warrior
-Sleep the hunter pet
-You should have something cycloned 100% of the fight, if the above targets are CCed, cyclone anything you see that isn't CCed already
-Use nature's grasp when chased by melee
-Feral druids - after every finishing move, pop out and use your instant cast to cyclone or roots something

-At the start, frost trap near the middle to give people something to kite through
-Later, freezing trap the hunter if he's not CCed

-Sheep something 100% of the time, hunter has priority
-Frost nova the warrior/rogue/DK if you see them chasing someone
-CS something every time it's up, if you weren't assigned a healer - hit anything you can
-Spellsteal a heroism, arrange with other mages so you can all get one and remove as many as possible
-Spellsteal ret pally wings if you see them

-Hammer whatever you can whenever you can
-Repent hunter if possible, rogue/warrior are good too after they charge

-Fear every single time it is up, preferably on the pack of melee to spread the melee mobs out
-Keep mages/warlocks/priests shielded as much as possible
-Shadow priest disarm the rogue/warrior (Don't know if pve gets that talent, but if you do, go for it)

-Disarm the rogue or warrior if you see it chasing someone squishy or it comes for you
-Blind hunter if you see it unCCed or any melee chasing a squishy
-Mind numbing poison helps since you'll be CCing a healer
-If your healer gets CCed so you have a small break, slap the warrior a few times to try to get him to pop retaliation before it's his turn to die

-Find your purge button and smash it
-Set focus on a caster mob, and interrupt everything you can
macro: /cast [target=focus] Wind shear
-Use those Totems, Earthbind if being chased (tremor otherwise) Disease/poison cleansing, Grounding totem.

-Something should be feared 100% of the time, melee mobs in the melee cluster are good choices
-Banish the warlock pet if druid is on DR
-Ask hunters where slowing traps will be, and set your little teleporter in the middle of it for easy kiting

-Disarm is a CC and should be used as much as possible on the rogue/warrior/DK/Ret Pally
-Fear on the melee cluster if there's a pack of mobs there
-Be prepared to throw off bubbles/BoPs/iceblocks - the healing they get during those immunities far outweighs any dps loss you'll take from swapping stances - BoPs usually around 20%, Bubble and iceblock 50-20%

Tirrex 11-30-2009 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by Stevin05 (Post 29680)
-Roots priority: Rogue -> Warrior -> DK, DON'T roots the hunter

For real... if a druid roots the hunter, its instant gkick IMO...

Stevin05 11-30-2009 09:26 AM

I agree.

09:49 AM GMT -5

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