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Cennar 02-11-2010 04:32 PM

Calling all geeks
i have an old pc with shit on the old harddrive but doesn't seem to load up, is there anyway i could get the stuff off that harddrive?

Karanda 02-12-2010 02:48 AM

Open up the hard drive and pull out the stuff you want.

Jonclani 02-12-2010 06:36 AM

When you say it wont load, Im assuming you mean that the computer with this drive wont boot?

If so, I would yank out the hard drive, and hook it up to another computer. An external enclosure would be the easiest way if you have one then you just plug it in to another computer with usb, otherwise youd need to open up a second computer, and hook it up there. (external enclosures - here - make sure you know whether the hard drive is IDE or SATA before buying one though)

If that doesnt work, it all comes down to how important the data is, and how much youre willing to do to get it back. If it comes to that, post here, I'll toss out a few ideas.

Tirrex 02-12-2010 06:22 PM

Remove the circuit board off the top of the hard drive. Its usually just 4 screws (some weird type though, but you can remove them with a nail clipper by grabbing from inside and from outside the screw with the clipper and then twisting it).

Once you remove the board, look under it. Theres usually some metal contacts in there to connect the hard drive to its circuit board. Get some fine steel wool and make them shine, both on the hard drive and on the circuit board. Blow every residue of steel wool from the drive and the board, put the board back on the drive and the drive back on your PC. See if it detects. If yes, your data won't show, and Windows will tell you to format the drive. Post here again if you get to that point.

Cennar 02-12-2010 11:36 PM

i will update you all later... its been a long while since I tried to boot or anything to the pc. I know that the one has 2 harddrives but windows is fucked on it, but all the info I want is on my second harddrive but its too old to connect to anything newer! I broke the windows disk a long time ago... i think it is windows 2000.

06:18 PM GMT -5

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