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Jhereg 06-08-2008 12:38 AM

Before I go batshit crazy...Fix my Connection
I need some tech advice.

So, I've been having intermittent connection speed drops. From like 5 mb/s (where I should be) to a consistent 550-950 kb/s. And then it picks back up. And back down. Etc. I occasionally get no connection at all for a few minutes. The software that came with the adapter is sometimes telling me I have no connection to the internet, yet can find the router and sometimes telling me it can't find the router at all.

This did not occur when I had a wired connection to my router, so I can only assume it is symptomatic of some combination of my wireless router and adapter. Yet, they seemed to work decently when first installed, this is a relatively recent development. Or is it something completely different I haven't thought of?

I've talked to my ISP, they passed the buck to the adapter people(Linksys), who passed it to the router people (Netgear) who tried a few things tonight that didn't work.

Basically, is it typical wireless router behavior to have these massive sporadic drops in transfer speed due to poor quality and distance? The only thing that bothers me about this prognosis is the lack of noticeable physical changes at 1:30 AM in the goddamn morning that would initiate the drop.

For ref: I'm using the wireless from the other side of the house, it passes through 3 walls and about 100 feet, maybe?

Nihmm 06-08-2008 10:46 AM

the only thing i can think of is if someone is stealing from your connection, like a neighbor or person down the block or someone outside with a laptop. could be possible. Did you password block everything ?

Jhereg 06-08-2008 11:23 AM

It is encrypted

Morin 06-08-2008 12:57 PM

3 walls and 100 feet? That is asking a lot from your usual Best Buy AP. You never said what type of wireless, but your best bet will be 802.11n router with 2 antennae and card. And don't run wireless in 2.4Ghz if you can help it...everything interferes with your neighbor's cordless phone

Jhereg 06-08-2008 01:29 PM

Well, Netgear assures me that while the router may be getting low signal, I shouldn't be seeing these wild speed swings. Despite having a perfectly working wired connection on another computer through the same router, they're just gonna replace it. Pain in the butt, and I'm not even sure it is going to work.

Stevin05 06-08-2008 11:18 PM

Checked to make sure no coons moved in!?

Coronalight 06-09-2008 06:58 PM

Netgear Blows Hard...

I just moved into my college house, getting the internet set up and all. I went out and bought a modem and a router, Motorola and Netgear. I had a similiar problem: about 10 minutes after I got everything set up my connection dropped (a wired connection). I went through the netgear support people and they were no help at all.

I got so frustrated after 2 days of calling every manufacturer in my network that I just returned the damn thing and got a linksys. First time install: No problems.

Id say just screw the router, return it and get a linksys.

BeerTorque 07-07-2008 12:23 PM

It's a bit illogical to assume the router's responsible for going from 5mbit to 500kbit, because their transmission speed (especially if using wireless n) is far faster than 5mbit. even dropping to 5mbit would be a drastic reduction in its max capable wireless speed capability. the bottleneck there is your internet speed, not the wireless.

HOWEVER, regular patterns in wireless interference are possible. Even a significant power draining device like a microwave, tv, etc drawing from power lines between transmitter and receiver can cause the problem.

If your connection always drops/reduces during a particular time, it's probably not due to distance and number of rooms away. More likely some kind of interference like electronics, etc.

Oh and one more possibility. Torrents destroy a lot of routers. I don't mean literally, but extremely overwork them to the point where they crash. I had this happen with a linksys router a year or two ago. Upgraded to a dlink gaming router and it runs torrents, voip, and anything else I can throw at it no problem. Anything like torrents, file sharing, voip in combination with other high traffic stuff can cause this with cheaper routers.

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