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Evo 05-20-2019 12:39 PM

Wow classic
What's up jerks?

Anybody playing wow classic?

Seyss 05-20-2019 07:13 PM

I'm in !!!!!!

Evo 05-21-2019 01:42 PM

Look at that, we got a conversation going. Who are the other 7 people "viewing" this forum? Russian bots? Or all of Jonclani's alts?

Tirrex 05-21-2019 02:39 PM

Not sure how cool it would be to play 1.0 all over again. Would we even get 40 ppl (TBH or not) for MC?

Jonclani 05-22-2019 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Evo (Post 31545)
Look at that, we got a conversation going. Who are the other 7 people "viewing" this forum? Russian bots? Or all of Jonclani's alts?

I don't let the Altclani Army out of its cage very often these days. That's just good old Vlad, making sure our elections go the way he wants.

And I don't know about playing Classic. Per usual, if people start playing, I'll get in on it. Just so I can be abandoned again =(

Jonclani 05-22-2019 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Tirrex (Post 31546)
Not sure how cool it would be to play 1.0 all over again. Would we even get 40 ppl (TBH or not) for MC?

Hey now, its like 1.21 or something like that!

Evo 05-22-2019 12:36 PM

Considering that I'm 11 years older now than when I logged in last, I feel like I could control the addiction or at least recognize the signs of it.

That being said - I'm interested.

Tirrex 05-22-2019 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Jonclani (Post 31548)
Hey now, its like 1.21 or something like that!


Well, lets see how many we get.

BTW: Seyss have kids now

Lanash 06-14-2019 08:28 PM

I'm in for classic.

Me and my 7 year old lol.

Seyss 07-28-2019 02:49 PM

it's launching on aug 28th let's do this
first we need to lvl up to 60

Karrde 08-07-2019 07:35 AM

What is up my homies. Can't believe it's been 12 years since I joined bhood. That shits crazy.

Tirrex 08-09-2019 12:58 PM

Hey Karrde! Are you playing the 1.0 again?

Evo 08-12-2019 01:04 PM

What's up Karrde?

Evo 08-12-2019 01:04 PM

Jeremy and I are rolling on some Eastern PVP server.

Standindbl 08-14-2019 06:53 AM

I caved. I'll be playing.

Tirrex 08-14-2019 09:53 PM

We gonna do MC?

Jonclani 08-16-2019 03:43 PM

Well which server is everyone doing? I can only reserve my name on three servers!

Jonclani 08-16-2019 03:44 PM

I haven't had Jonclani taken at any point in the past, but I'm not about to risk some yahoo stealing it now!

Evo 08-19-2019 09:21 PM

Jeremy and I have characters reserved on both Stalagg and Skeram. We are horde side

Evo 08-19-2019 09:22 PM

Stalagg is showing high popularity now too, so I don't know what's going to happen over the next couple of days. I'm going to be in california for a trip but I'm taking my computer w/ me.

Jonclani 08-19-2019 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Evo (Post 31561)
Jeremy and I have characters reserved on both Stalagg and Skeram. We are horde side

Horde side? Fuck that! The last thing I'll do is willingly subject myself to Barrens chat again.

Evo 08-21-2019 09:43 AM

Can't you turn off Barrens chat? Go level in silverpine forest or whatever. I see right through these excuses.

Jonclani 08-21-2019 10:07 AM

Fine. Jonclani just isn't the same as a troll. It doesn't work. I tried it. And now he sits, all alone, in the barren wastes of Hellfire Peninsula on Mal'Ganis. Level 61, probably recently squished by a Void Reaver. Probably unguilded for nigh on the past....12 years?

Evo 08-21-2019 10:44 AM

Night elf hunter was a great run the first time. Shadowmeld + aimed shotting people in Orgrimmar with Tirrex, and eyes of the beast killing the losers of duels. Good times.

Evo 08-21-2019 06:13 PM

Girth and Grundle are on Skeram PVP server, horde side. Girth (Adam) level 1 Orc Rogue; Grundle (Jeremy) level 1 Undead Warlock.

Yogibear 08-24-2019 08:16 AM

Hi Cuties, Hi Evo, how you doin boo?

Evo 08-24-2019 05:34 PM

Hey mane. You going to play with us?

Yogibear 08-26-2019 01:29 AM

Im on stalagg alliance I think, but if I can I'll try to make one horde, haven't decided yet which to play.

Yogibear 08-26-2019 05:23 PM

Add me on bnet evo yogibear#1497

Jonclani 08-30-2019 07:21 AM

So. Everyone level 60 yet? Or still just stuck in queue?

Standindbl 08-30-2019 04:44 PM

I ended up Horde on Bigglesworth.

Standindbl 08-30-2019 05:25 PM

Im creating an excel sheet of where everyone is playing Classic. Post your bnet/server/faction/class/race/in game name

Standindbl 09-01-2019 08:22 PM

Tirrex 09-02-2019 10:32 AM

Seyss is playing on Thunderfury, human paladin

TM 07-11-2020 10:54 AM

AFK Kitchen on Fire.

01:14 AM GMT -5

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