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Melissamao 03-01-2009 11:05 PM

DKP and Sitout FAQ

How do I get on the wait list?
Answer:When the officer in charge of dkp for the evening opens the dkp list a message will be posted in guild chat. Follow the instructions in this message and you should receive an automated tell from the officer saying you have been added to the list or you are already on the list. If you do not receive this message you have not preformed the operation correctly. It is your responsibility to be sure your dkp is correct after the raid.

Question: I notice that my dkp from the previous raid is incorrect, what should I do?
Answer: Talk to one of the dkp officers (Melissamao, Hohfeld, or Jonclani) as soon as possible the sooner you bring it to our attention the more likely we are to be able to fix it.

Question: How much dkp do I earn for a raid?
Answer:For progression raids (anything we do not currently have on farmed status) you gain 500 dkp per hour. For farmed instances you receive 100 dkp per hour
For Bosses (not including bosses in naxx) you gain 100 dkp per kill.
For Naxx you gain 100 dkp per wing cleared

On time bonuses will be awarded as the officers see fit.
Bonuses for Achievements may be considered and are at the officers discretion.

Question: How much dkp do I earn on sitout?
Answer:The same amount as if you were in the raid.

Question: If I am replaced in a raid do I need to re list myself on the wait list?


XaneAvitar 05-10-2009 06:05 PM

A few new stipulations will be in effect starting the week of Tuesday, May 12.

There will be a 500 on time bonus that you have already been seeing in effect. It will now be split into two 250 bonuses. 250 for being on time, and 250 for being in the instance at the set time. Exceptions will be made... they do not include: finishing up quests, running battle grounds, or doing RL stuff like finishing dinner.

Sitout DKP works as follows. You need to be available when called upon. If you refuse to come into a raid any of the following punishments can be made: Not earning anymore Sitout DKP for the rest of the night, Removal of sitout DKP for the night, or DKP fines to be approved by an Inner Council Member.

We understand that if you're doing sitout we don't expect you to be hounding guild chat for the next post. It will be posted approximately one hour after the raid, and each subsequent hour after that. We obviously cannot post in the middle of a boss fight. You need to be on at least AROUND these times. If we call for you and you are unavailable, you will be removed from wait list. CONSISTENT non-availability for raids when you're on sitouts can result in loss of DKP for the previous hour of sitouts or removal of all sitout dkp for the night.

Any additional questions you may contact me any officer in-game.

06:15 PM GMT -5

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