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XaneAvitar 01-12-2007 04:15 PM

NFL Playoffs - Divisional Games
Indianapolis at Baltimore
It scares me when everyone is picking Baltimore. Not a single national figure is giving the Colts a chance, and to be honest, Baltimore is the better team, defensivly, special teams, and has a solid offense. The same cannot be said for Indy, and they've dropped a few games. This is just hyped up to much, it makes me nervous.
My pick: Baltimore (but I might bet on Indy)

New England at San Diego
I'm hoping this is the year San Diego breaks out, and doesnt play conservative football in the playoffs. Without a doubt the best team of the year, but can you really go against Brady and Bellichek?
My pick: New England

Philadelphia at New Orleans
Wouldn't it just be CRAZY if Jeff Garcia marched these guys to the superbowl? I'm not going to discount who should have been the MVP of the year, Drew Breeze.
My Pick: New Orleans

Seattle at Chicago
Seattle as a whole will suck more than Rex Grossman. And Chicago's defense will not let Seattle's offense stay in this game, ala Cowboys.
My Pick: Chicago

12:32 PM GMT -5

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