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XaneAvitar 09-22-2009 09:43 PM

ABF Football League: Week Two Breakdown! Week 3 Preview!


Quote of the week:

Aussie's bhood567 114 at Xane's Trainyard 63
In a game tied 57 going into the Monday Night game... Indy dismantled the Miami Defense on the Trainyard. And they did it with Aussie's Peyton Manning and not Xane's Joseph Addai. The Trainyard goes on his first 0-2 start since the creation of the Avatar League.

Marb's FearedJamaicanVoodooPosse 121 at Morlaw's The Purple Poopie Eaters 82
While the Poopie Eaters improved this week with a stellar performance from Matt Schaub he couldnt outscore the Running Back tandum of the VoodooPosse

Jonclani's 404 - Team Not Found 107 at Ect's Explosive Ensemble 79
Kurt Warner and Andre Johnson give their coach Jonclani their first win while Philip Rivers was the only player for Ect to break 10 points.

McDank's Taintsmashers 96 at Saben's Anal Fissures 64
The number of the game here is 13... which is the combined points scored for both teams widereceivers... which is 6 players! Chris Johnson the Tennessee runningback and a player for the Taintsmasher single handidly won this game. Tom Brady choking didn't help Saben.

Mercator's The Logic 69 at Eviljester's Pimp Squad 107
The Logic's bench sadly outscoring most of his starters. Where the Pimp Squad had one of the best team performances even while having a WR with no points.

The Almma Maters 117 at Cennar's Maryland Sting 86
Even if Cennar had started Drew Brees (anybodies guess as to why he benched him) he would have needed an additional 12 points somewhere. This battle of the titans went to Almma.

Maryland Sting at bhood567
EDGE: Aussie's 567890 team It looks like a close matchup and will probably boil down to whos QB plays better. We give the slight edge to Bhood56789987 because we expect the rest of his team to eak out a few extra points.

Anal Fissures at FearedJamaicanVoodooPosse
EDGE: FearedVoodoo Tom Brady is looking shaky this season and Feared has the amazing Frank Gore there to go on a running race vs Adrian Peterson this week.

Pimp Squad at 404 - Team Not Found
EDGE: 404 If the Pimp Squad finds a replacement WR he may take this battle. Until then we have to give the edge to... Jonclani.

The Purple Poopie Eaters at Taintsmashers
EDGE: Purple Poopie Eaters Better WRs, Better RBs, expect the Purple Poopie Eaters to end their losing streak against the woeful Taintsmashers.

Ect's Explosive Ensemble at The Logic
EDGE: Ect's EE To be honest this match can go either way but the experts are expecting Greg Jennings to have a killer game in the 0-2 St. Louis Rams.

Xane's Trainyard at The Almma Maters
EDGE: The Almma Maters Unless Xane can break 100 points this week, he wont be beating the Almma Maters. And with the injuries, shitty performances, and underusage of Joseph Addai will not give Xane a victory...

1 The Almma Maters (Almma) (3) +2
2 FearedJamaicanVoodooPosse (Marb) (5) +3

3 Maryland Sting (Cennar) (2) -1
4 bhood567 (Aussie) (9) +5
5 Anal Fissures (Saben) (1) -4
6 Ect's Explosive Ensemble (Ectemian) (4) -2
7 Pimp Squad (Eviljester) (11) +4
8 404 - Team Not Found (Jonclani) (12) +4

9 Taintsmashers (McDanks) (10) +1
10 The Logic (Mercator) (6) -4
11 The Purple Poopie Eaters (Morlaw) (7) -4
12 Xane's Trainyard (Xane) (8) -4

05:17 AM GMT -5

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