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Tirrex 05-30-2008 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Descartes (Post 17635)
I make a rational comment about why I think you're going above and beyond the rational defense of someone who stole another person's significant other and you think I'm trying to pick a fight. Nice work. I was only trying to lay a little third party insight as to why you probably feel so passioned about this and maybe help resolve it.

Sorry for caring,

lol Descartes, this is so full of sshit haha

XaneAvitar 05-30-2008 10:53 AM

i personally wouldnt want to be with chick who so fickely left her last boyfriend for me because in the end what would stop her from doing it again?

unless youre just doing it for the nookie. but i would guess moving in together would be an extreme measure to suggest against that.

Evo 05-30-2008 10:58 AM

Come to think of it, defending TJ & Hollie is a pretty difficult thing to do, so forgot me saying that you didn't have balls earlier.

heldrath 05-30-2008 11:32 AM

Evokoth, that name strikes a bell. Yeah, do you remember ME, Evo? Before I let you get too off on your high horse about being best buds with TJ and having every right to make jests at his relationship with some chick, can I bring up a little something?

Aren't you that guy who repeatedly banned me from vent because I...screwed around on Stickam with TJ? You know, the one who, even when I came on and asked to talk to you about it banned me repeatedly with nice comments like PENIS and stuff? I laughed at the time, and I'm still laughing now, but is that really the good friend of TJ? Mind you, this was pre Holly, so I'd think you'd be even nicer to TJ then before you went off on your jealousy rants.

Oh, and when I asked TJ about why you were banning me and if you even knew why you were, this is the reply I got-

So hey dude, keep it up - keep posting in this shit bin if defending yourself for some 6 year old cartoon you made about a guy you seem to think you were good friends with.

Yogibear 05-30-2008 11:35 AM

I felt compelled to register on this because as you Evo knows I can't resist some good edrama. So I will add a yogi touch to this. Billy, stfu, you little emo kid. "WAH HE MADE A CARTOON" Get over it. Heldrath, again, who the fuck are you? Wait, nevermind, don't care. Daykart, you can ban me off the site now you emo fuck. Bunch of fuckin whiny bitches right here.

As for evo/fees and the rest of bhood.

I fuxing love you kiddies.

Yogibear 05-30-2008 11:37 AM

Holy shit, how do you edit shit. Anyway, I still luff TJ too, just not billy.

Isketch fo' life y0.

Evo 05-30-2008 11:39 AM

And Heldrath, the point is, I wasn't BEST FRIENDS IN THE WHOLE WORLD WITH TJ. But we were decent friends, yes. And me banning you had partially to do with the fact that TJ had vent admin powers, yet he wasn't supposed to. You can go ahead back to worshiping Eins on the forums Captain Cool. Thanks for supporting my argument btw.

heldrath 05-30-2008 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Evo (Post 17657)

And Heldrath, the point is, I wasn't BEST FRIENDS IN THE WHOLE WORLD WITH TJ. But we were decent friends, yes. And me banning you had partially to do with the fact that TJ had vent admin powers, yet he wasn't supposed to. You can go ahead back to worshiping Eins on the forums Captain Cool. Thanks for supporting my argument btw.

Well, if you banned me from vent because someone else had vent admin rights, there's the logical reason I expected from someone as amazingly stupid as you.

Back to worshipping Eins on the forums, huh? Can you even find the last time I quoted Eins? Replied to Eins? Gee, Evo, last I checked you don't even post on the forums, so what would you know? You're too busy going off all jealous of TJ and Holly. How cute. You don't even know about shit with Eins and myself either, so good try, PvE kid.

Fees 05-30-2008 11:54 AM


so good try, PvE kid.
Says the scrub with all sub-1800 teams.

Slock 05-30-2008 12:02 PM

Quick! Someone post the "you just got told" pic!!!

Evo 05-30-2008 12:02 PM

First of all, I cancelled my account close to 2 months ago, so you're right, my forum activity hasn't been that great. I posted on Feesshorty a few times a couple weeks back, but aside from that, I've been absent. However, back when I played, you and Eins were always on ventrilo as a unit. Every once in a while you'd see one of you without the other, but it was rare. You guys did the stickam thing, and I thought it was fucking hilarious and had no problem with the two of you. It was afterwards that Eins started throwing around racial slurs, etc. at random people on the server, because I know, he doesn't give a shit about anything/anyone/internet terrorist/whatever. So guess what? A bunch of people, officers included, started bitching about it and I wasn't even the one that banned him. But your buddy TJ was there unbanning him every time it happened. So that's the background reasoning that I had for not wanting TJ to be a vent admin.

I remember something a while back about you posting someone's picture/myspace on the forums and Eins yelling at you about it. And didn't you have a link to his youtube in your signature back then? If you didn't then my apologies. And if the two of you aren't friends anymore, my apologies as well.

Saying that I'm jealous of Hollie & TJ is pretty funny though, because anyone that knows me (and perhaps if you read any of these pages) would know that I've had the same opinion of her since day one. I guess you can throw TJ in the same boat as well now.

Yogibear 05-30-2008 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by heldrath (Post 17658)
Well, if you banned me from vent because someone else had vent admin rights, there's the logical reason I expected from someone as amazingly stupid as you.

Back to worshipping Eins on the forums, huh? Can you even find the last time I quoted Eins? Replied to Eins? Gee, Evo, last I checked you don't even post on the forums, so what would you know? You're too busy going off all jealous of TJ and Holly. How cute. You don't even know about shit with Eins and myself either, so good try, PvE kid.

Again, who the fuck are you and why should anyone give a damn what you say? "PvE Kid" You realize you're terrible? We should call you "PvPtard". Mm, yes I like that.

People gotta fuck with Evo then get pimp slapped, shit.

Evo 05-30-2008 12:22 PM

Yogi, shut up pve kid. And please dont make me sound like an e-thug...all I did was make a cartoon about someone's cousin, and it turned into me being jealous about him & his girlfriend.

Yogibear 05-30-2008 12:24 PM

You aren't? I'mma cry now.

Evo 05-30-2008 12:27 PM

No. Oh, and Dale made a cartoon too, hes probably dying from jealousy.

hohfeld 05-30-2008 12:32 PM

I have no cartoon skills but i'm full of jealousy, how did that happen?

Thesuperman 05-30-2008 12:34 PM

oh you kids make me chuckle.

Fees: The popcorn ran out. Make some more.

Descartes 05-30-2008 12:35 PM

Seriously, how am I emo? What a baseless attack on my person... I guess you're still jealous of me.

And Tirrex... you're so hot i want to rub butter all over your body

Evo 05-30-2008 12:35 PM

Nice job Fees linking this on the realm forums, now we have all these guests reading quite possibly the dumbest thread on the internet.

hohfeld 05-30-2008 12:37 PM

Don't you feel proud evo?

Tirrex 05-30-2008 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Descartes (Post 17673)
And Tirrex... you're so hot i want to rub butter all over your body

Sorry man, I appreciate it but no... just, no...

Miracael 05-30-2008 12:43 PM

This thread should probably be moved to the epic threads section, or the trash bin.

Jonclani 05-30-2008 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Tirrex (Post 17677)
Sorry man, I appreciate it but no... just, no...

Tirrex has an intense fear of hot butter. The last time we were getting it on, the butter came out, but lorenzo beat me to the removal. And lorenzo never learned the "no teeth" lesson.

Thesuperman 05-30-2008 12:46 PM

Clani... Thats just gross! But some hot butter on that popcorn would be nice right about now fees....

Evo 05-30-2008 12:47 PM

Word is that Lorenzo uses the other two empty stable slots for his ultimate bachelor-kitty pad. I've heard this includes bean bag chairs and a full this true Clani?

Descartes 05-30-2008 12:48 PM

Super, your signature is bearing false witness regarding the characters you play. I think God frowns upon such things.

Fees 05-30-2008 12:48 PM

*Refills the bucket of popcorn, smothered in hot steamy butter*

*Offers some to Jon*

hohfeld 05-30-2008 12:48 PM

Clani would know as he is the demigod of the bar, and we aren't talking about some sort of pole . . . scott.

Jonclani 05-30-2008 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Evo (Post 17681)
Word is that Lorenzo uses the other two empty stable slots for his ultimate bachelor-kitty pad. I've heard this includes bean bag chairs and a full this true Clani?

Well, the bar WAS full. I'm not sure if he has restocked since my last visit.

Tirrex 05-30-2008 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Thesuperman (Post 17680)
Clani... Thats just gross! But some hot butter on that popcorn would be nice right about now fees....

You can wipe the butter off my body for your popcorn... what do you say? huh? ;)
The butter will be HOT

Thesuperman 05-30-2008 12:57 PM

Ahh Adam, you are correct sir. I'll have to change that.

And Thanks Fee's!!! Yummy!

Eww Tirrex! haha you and clani are both gross!

heldrath 05-30-2008 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Evo (Post 17663)
First of all, I cancelled my account close to 2 months ago, so you're right, my forum activity hasn't been that great. I posted on Feesshorty a few times a couple weeks back, but aside from that, I've been absent. However, back when I played, you and Eins were always on ventrilo as a unit. Every once in a while you'd see one of you without the other, but it was rare. You guys did the stickam thing, and I thought it was fucking hilarious and had no problem with the two of you. It was afterwards that Eins started throwing around racial slurs, etc. at random people on the server, because I know, he doesn't give a shit about anything/anyone/internet terrorist/whatever. So guess what? A bunch of people, officers included, started bitching about it and I wasn't even the one that banned him. But your buddy TJ was there unbanning him every time it happened. So that's the background reasoning that I had for not wanting TJ to be a vent admin.

I remember something a while back about you posting someone's picture/myspace on the forums and Eins yelling at you about it. And didn't you have a link to his youtube in your signature back then? If you didn't then my apologies. And if the two of you aren't friends anymore, my apologies as well.

Saying that I'm jealous of Hollie & TJ is pretty funny though, because anyone that knows me (and perhaps if you read any of these pages) would know that I've had the same opinion of her since day one. I guess you can throw TJ in the same boat as well now.

Ok, I never had his YouTube link in my sig, and we're still "friends", if you want to call it that.

Whatever, I realized that I shouldn't give a shit. I'm sorry I gave you shit about the absolutely worthless piece of nothing this thread is, but whatever, that's the fun if the internet.

Yogibear, I enjoy you insulting me. I'm sorry, have I ever even said anything to you? No. Stop trying to feel important posting in threads that don't relate to you insulting people you've never even talked to. If you want to think of something clever / creative to throw back at me, I welcome it, but until then you're some random PvE kid who sits on a mount in IF all day. I don't give a fuck about you and the more you post about me, the more fun I have.

Vero 05-30-2008 01:29 PM


Slock 05-30-2008 01:29 PM

Miracael 05-30-2008 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Slock (Post 17691)

Wow cool sig

Fees 05-30-2008 01:50 PM


Wow cool sig
Yeah, glad my broom made it into the picture.

Slock 05-30-2008 02:10 PM

Lol, thanks. I made it in a few minutes here at work. I'll make a better one eventually...

And fuck yeah, fees, your broom owns all.

Deviator 05-30-2008 02:48 PM

Gona use some of my old cal flaming skills.
Heldrath you're a fucking terrible idiot. Serious question? Does anyone actually like you? Let me answer that for you, no.

Where the fuck do you get off calling someone a PvE kid? You're fucking terrible at pvp and probably pve, AND YOU PLAY A DRUID; Quite possibly the easiest class to get 1850+ with. I actually fucking laughed that you're QQn about getting booted off vent you stupid fuck, no one fucking likes you, so why the fuck would we allow you to use our vent? You're just one of the many retarded friends of Tj. I also find it comical that a stupid fuck like yourself gets enjoyment from laughing from people on stickam (ironic anyone?), that's low on so many levels it's really pathetic.


Originally Posted by Heldrath
Stop trying to feel important posting in threads that don't relate to you insulting people you've never even talked to. If you want to think of something clever / creative to throw back at me, I welcome it, but until then you're some random PvE kid who sits on a mount in IF all day.

Did you seriously just post this? This thread has absolutely nothing to do with you, get the fuck out of it. And as far as the insulting part goes, people don't need to have talked to you to know that you're one of the retards riding the Eins bandwagon, that alone leaves plenty of room for insult. And correct me if I'm wrong, but almost every time I go to IF (rarely) you're sitting there looking fucking terrible with your terrible guild. Team rainbow? Cry out for attention much? You're one gay kid.

Everyone in this thread is a friend of Tj in some way or another, so I don't know where the fuck you get off trying to defend him, fuck you bitch, you're a fucking idiot.

Miracael 05-30-2008 02:54 PM

On another note, is Psilocybob going to be raiding with us again?

stapes 05-30-2008 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Evo (Post 17612)
We all can agree that I'm the worlds biggest asshole for making a 100x100 pixel cartoon of these two clowns.

No Evo, we can all clearly see why you're the biggest asshole. YOU DIDN'T INCLUDE ARMS ON THE FUCKING CARTOON REPRESENTATION. Where do you get off making fun of handicaps? Honestly bro, that's fuckin low...

Also...I think I deserve some credit...lest we forget Feesface?


Originally Posted by Yogibear (Post 17655)
I felt compelled to register on this because as you Evo knows I can't resist some good edrama. So I will add a yogi touch to this. Billy, stfu, you little emo kid. "WAH HE MADE A CARTOON" Get over it. Heldrath, again, who the fuck are you? Wait, nevermind, don't care. Daykart, you can ban me off the site now you emo fuck. Bunch of fuckin whiny bitches right here.

As for evo/fees and the rest of bhood.

I fuxing love you kiddies.


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